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Monday, December 6, 2010
So what?

Its great to came across new people and learn about them at times, be it a person that you just knew or a person that you've just met..

There's always a background on every person huh?

I've always heard how nasty the experience was and all by people who aren't close or a stranger..

But have you heard it from a person that you knew before?

Having said not much but the pain that you can picture of going through the fractious situation..
When I first being exposed about it, okie, I admit I was quite taken aback..
I did not expect that was what had occurred..
And to my counter surprise that people really tend to MOVE away?
Hmm, that's..well, I have no words for it
and the person asked me will I seep away..
I was so gobsmacked by that query..That question really made my heart skipped a beat..
I mean, what kind of QUESTION is THAT??
Well, maybe I'm not in that person's shoes so I don't know how it feels or how often this ever happens but..

Know what?
FYI, half of the day..no..more of like three quarter of the day that was spent, I totally forgotten that the person with me is erm.."not-the-same?"..
I don't know how to pen down my opine on this through words..
But, can you get my drift, don't you?
All I can say is..

So what?

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