Thursday, October 28, 2010
eye twitching
Scene 1:
My eye had been twitching since morning today..
It reminds me of the old folks saying about various superstitions when it comes to this eye twitching manner..
There are 2 indications as it depends on which eye that is twitching..
An old Chinese saying about twitching eyelids says that "the twitching of the left eyelid indicates the coming of good fortune; while the right one is a warning about the coming bad luck
But to my uttermost surprised that it bound to happen the opposite for a female!
In women the tables are turned as a twitching right eye signifies good luck while a twitching left one is considered a bad prognostic
Well, well, being a crap myself I decided to google it and heck, there's other indications of it from the eye of the other races perspectives..
Surely and definately the scientific world brushes off this indications from our mind and insert some diseases that are bound to happen ahead of us with regards to the simple act of eye twitching
But the scientific world did gave me a detailed explaination of the causes of eye twitching..
Why Does My Eye Twitch?
While we're all under stress at times, our bodies react in different ways. Eye twitching can be one sign of stress, especially when it is related to vision problems such as eye strain. Reducing the cause of the stress can help make the twitching stop.
A lack of sleep, whether because of stress or some other reason, can trigger eyelid spasms. Catching up on your sleep can help.
Vision-related stress can occur if, for instance, you need glasses or a change of glasses. Your eyes may be working too hard, triggering eyelid twitching. Computer eye strain from computer use is also a very common cause of vision-related stress.
If your eyelid twitching is persistent and very annoying, you should have an eye exam, because you may need vision correction. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, you also should consider talking to your eye doctor about special computer eyeglasses.
Caffeine and alcohol:
Many experts believe that too much caffeine and/or alcohol can trigger eye twitches. If your caffeine (coffee, tea, soda pop, etc.) and/or alcohol intake has increased, cutting back is worth a try.
Dry eyes:
More than half the older population experiences dry eyes, due to aging. Dry eyes also are very common for people who use computers, take certain medications (antihistamines, antidepressants, etc.), wear contact lenses and consume caffeine and/or alcohol. If you are tired and under stress, you also may develop dry eye. It's best to see your eye doctor for a dry eye evaluation, because many treatments are now available.
Nutritional imbalances
People with eye allergies can have itching, swelling and watery eyes. When eyes are rubbed, this releases histamine into the lid tissues and the tears. This is significant, because some evidence indicates that histamine can cause eyelid twitching.
But in my case, my right eye is twicthing so according to the chinese view is it..GOOD LUCK!!! =P (ignored the scientific matter =P)
Scene 2:
Another crappy unexpected incident that I came acrossed was
Make sure your hair is clean so that you will not have dandruff because I can see it as you're far shorter than me
I'm not mad that the person said that I'm super short..I just felt so very extremely hilarious about that..I didn;t even THOUGHT about that dandruff issue before..ahaha~
Expressed and Shared @ 1:28:00 PM |
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