Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sometimes, humans are humans..
Now a days, i FINALLY get to see who are true and who are not..
When the people i think that they are true to you, know what?? Just watch your back..even if it is your boyfriend..i've kena this masking shit from boyfriend before and also by friends before
You show them your true self..concerning them in a true and honest way but they in return concern in you in a faked, masked way..
Just bear in mind that
You can't depend on no one
Friends, normal..
Close friends, rare but very common now..
even your i've been through one that it backstabs you..the 1 that does even BOTHER to stand up for you..doesn't even bother to support you instead, saying
Why can;t you fail for me??!!Always study study study
Expressed and Shared @ 5:14:00 PM |
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